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6 Tips for Adjusting to Life in 伦敦 (宝博体育 Edition)

by 凯瑟琳·戈尔曼
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Crazily enough, I am already halfway through my semester in 伦敦! 虽然感觉我一直在生活, 工作, 永远在这里学习, the fact that I am about a month and a half from being back home in Chicago blows my mind! I knew that there was going to be a bit of an adjustment period when first coming to 伦敦, 所以在我来这里的最初几周, I made my best effort to take myself a bit outside of my comfort zone and try new things to immerse myself in the culture and city. 与此同时, I knew that I would need to find things to make my transition a little easier.

我的秋季休息即将结束, 我开始了我课程的后半段, I have reflected on what helped me adjust to living my new 伦敦 life! 以下是帮助我适应新家的建议!

  1. 买一个蓬松的毯子和枕头!

我来的第二天, I made my way over to Primark (best discovery I've made since being in 伦敦!给自己买了一条毛绒绒的毯子和另一个枕头. Although 东航卡帕 provides students with fully-furnished apartments and linens, I wanted an extra blanket and pillow for my bed and it has made the world of a difference! 一条柔软的毛毯总是必不可少的!

  1. 舒适的零食

With me on the plane, I brought some of my favorite snacks-with a few extra for the following days. 谁不想要奥利奥和水果零食呢! Right when I got here I also went to the store and found a whole bunch of new snacks to try (many of them have now become my new favorites!). My favorite from my newly found treats is the Milk Chocolate Digestive cookies and Mars Bars-clearly I am a chocolate lover, 它们是如此美味!

A variety of snacks like chocolate digestives, crackers, and Nutella
  1. 散步

我一直喜欢花时间在户外散步, and the best way to get adjusted and learn a new area is to walk around and discover it yourself. I am living in the Whitechapel neighborhood while studying in 伦敦, and before coming here I didn't know much about it other than it being right around the corner from Brick Lane, 咖喱都去哪了! The first few days I was able to walk around and see everything that was around me, and 东航卡帕 even had walking tours for us the second day we were here so we could learn about all our neighborhoods had to offer! Walking was definitely one of the top reasons I was able to adjust faster, because I was able to see and feel my surroundings by discovering them myself.

花摊 I discovered on one of the walks around the corner from my flat!
  1. 继续了解家里的最新情况

I make sure to text my friends and family at home on a constant basis, and also try to have weekly calls with them all so I am able to hear everything that is happening back in the States. 这真的能帮我跟上时代, as well as still feel present back home and at my home university while I am studying in 伦敦.

  1. 做家常菜

我和室友一起做晚饭. In the first few weeks of us contributing to the dinners by buying the ingredients, 烹饪它, 一起吃饭, we were able to learn more about each other and talk about what we were looking forward to and what was up in our busy lives each night. I think this really helped me adjust because I was able to eat some of my favorite foods, 也可以和我的新朋友和室友呆在一起!

A dinner dish with a breaded cutlet, potatoes, and beans
  1. 列出你想看的和想做的事情

I've found the best way to keep myself from either thinking of home or different things I miss is to continuously see and do new things. Before coming to 伦敦 I had made a list of different places I wanted to visit, 我想尝试的食物, 以及我想要体验的活动, and since getting here and talking to the 东航卡帕 staff, 我交了新朋友, 还有我宝博体育时的上司, 这个名单只会越来越长. By doing this I am continuing to learn more about 伦敦 and see as much of the city as possible while being here! One thing on my list is seeing Hyde Park's Winter Wonderland!

It is crazy that we are approaching the home stretch of being here, 但我很兴奋地想看看伦敦还能把我带到哪里! I am looking forward to all that comes in the next few weeks!

A group of friends in 伦敦 with Tower Bridge in the background

凯瑟琳·戈尔曼 内容创造者-博主.
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