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April 16, 2023
by Kathleen Gorman
- 2022 - _london_kathleen gorman_kensington下降

在伦敦待了一整个学期之后, I understandably had some favorite neighborhoods in and around the city. After class many times I would either walk or take the tube to one of these neighborhoods to walk around, shop, 吃点东西, study, 或者下午和朋友见面. 他们都有自己独特的部分, and in this list I will tell you some of my favorite things to do and see in each of these neighborhoods!

  1. Covent Garden

从考文特花园开始. 这里有很多事情要做,要看! 就在伦敦西区的拐角处, 也被称为“戏剧之地”,这里从来没有沉闷的时刻! I would say Covent Garden was my favorite area to go and visit because it has everything you could possibly need: great restaurants and pubs, shopping, 街头表演和风景, 晚上的活动,比如伦敦西区的音乐剧! While I was in London, I was fortunate to see a few shows in the West End including 音乐剧《宝博体育》, Mamma Mia!, and Wicked. A trip to Covent Garden cannot be complete without a drink at the Punch & 朱迪——该地区的主要特色之一. The three-storey pub is thought to be named after the 16th-century puppet show starring Mr. 潘趣和他的妻子朱迪! How cool.

Outside Punch & 朱迪在伦敦考文特花园
从潘趣酒吧外面看 & 考文特花园的朱迪酒吧.
  1. Soho

Soho, just around the corner from Covent Garden, has the lights, glitz, and glamor! Soho became one of my favorite neighborhoods right around the end of November because they had some of the most amazing Christmas lights displays I have ever seen! Oftentimes nearing the end of the semester it would be darker when I was leaving my classes, so heading to Soho meant I would get to see the lights sparkle in the sky. You can't be in Soho without visiting Oxford and Regent Streets, 那里有神奇的灯光! There are also some great shops and restaurants there as well.

Some amazing holiday lights on one of the side streets in Soho.
  1. Kensington

Sort of a given, 而是在肯辛顿每周去上课之后, 我爱上了这个社区. The CEA CAPA Center is perfectly located in the heart of Kensington right down the street from the Gloucester Road tube station, 周围有很多很酷的东西! Located right down the street from the CEA CAPA Center are the Victoria and Albert and Natural History museums, 以及伦敦帝国理工学院. On Tuesdays in the early afternoon there is a food market right near Imperial College and it is all delicious! Also right down the street from CEA CAPA is a very big Sainsbury's (one of the local grocery stores). Often after class I would do my grocery shopping there because it had everything I could possibly need!

A doorsill and stairs decorated with colorful flowers in Kensington, London
A beautifully decorated door right around the corner from the CEA CAPA Center.
  1. Windsor

Windsor is one area I didn't necessarily see myself going to, but when given the opportunity to go with my theater class I was taking, 我很高兴我去了. Looking back now, I wish I had more time in London where I could go again! Windsor is about a 40-minute plus train ride outside of London, and there you will find Windsor Castle as well as an adorable English town! 我到温莎的时候, 城堡已经关闭了一天, but I recommend anyone who goes to visit take a tour of Windsor Castle. There you will see where Queen Elizabeth II and Prince Phillip are buried, as well as the cathedral where Prince Harry and Meghan Markle were married! The town of Windsor was decorated very cutely, and had dozens of shops and restaurants. When I was there I got there with enough time to have a quick bite to eat, 在镇上走走, 然后我就去看了 Darker Shores, the play written by my theater professor Michael Punter-it was great!

  1. Spitalfields

住在伦敦时,我住在 Whitechapel, right near the Aldgate East tube stop, and just about a 5-minute walk from Spitalfields. 令人尴尬的是足够的, 虽然很接近, my friends and I didn't discover the area of Spitalfields until about a month into living in London! Although it was found late, once we discovered it we were there multiple times a week. 斯皮塔菲尔德每周每天都有集市, as well as some very cute and delicious pubs and restaurants and many chain shopping stores. The Spitalfields Market has different vendors spread out throughout the week. I would have to say my favorite days to go were Saturday and Sunday, which is when many of the small businesses were there-lots of cute, 那时候的手工首饰! 那里也有很多美味的食物!


很难将范围缩小到伦敦的五个区域, 但总的来说,无论你去哪里,都没有什么可失去的! There is never a dull moment in any London town, and with every area comes its own unique flair!

Kathleen Gorman 内容创造者-博主.
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